Friday, February 5, 2010

ABSolutely FABulous

Twirl Those Hips!

When I was a kid, way before Nintendo and other mind-numbing, couch potato activities, we used to go outside and play! 

I had a used bike, a few tennis and baseballs, marbles and the fabulous hula hoop.  That hoop kept me (and my friends) amused for hours on end and guess what?  It was good exercise.  We were all in pretty good shape with no abs problems.  Perhaps it was because we spent so much time twirling that hoop around our waists.  Well, good news.  Hoops are making a comeback and you might want to get back to basics.  By the way, it wouldn't hurt to get your kids outside with you.  Save the gaming for rainy days.
The Hoop-Store

Sunday, January 31, 2010

How To Get Flat Abs

Generally, losing weight will shrink that belly fat, but that doesn't really solve the whole flat abs problem.  You can't lose weight in just one area of your body, but you can tighten and tone muscles.  Therefore, you can lose inches even with a minimal weight loss.

Diet pills are bound to cause you trouble.  Let's be careful about these "quick fixes" that seem to end up being taken off the market and other somewhat scary stuff.  They have been known to have harmful ingredients and to interfere with the body's metabolism.

Cardio is great for your heart, but it won't necessarily give you a flat belly because it is so difficult to burn enough calories.  So what to do?  Stay tuned.